Album Covers for the Weird and Wonderful

I have converted most of my singles and albums into CD's and from their mp3's...sometimes though, I just can't face buying a whole compilation CD just for the one track I want. So I download's nice to have the cover art though so here are a few I happen to have, ignore my lack of taste...


Sarah brightman hot gossip i lost my heart to a starship trooper Claudia Brucken love and a million other things three minute heroes yello tied up famous names Holiday romance
99 Luftballons Nena Sex Pistols God Save The Queen Noisy Neighbors Live 105 Toto Coelo I Eat Cannibals The Creatures Wild Things EP
The Adverts Televisions Over This Is Alice Music Volume 3 Sex Pistols Pretty Vacant This Is Alice Music Volume 1 Cold Sweat 20 Massive Cuts
The Adverts Gary Gilmores Eyes Hot Chocolate Cicero Park Fox I Like Electro People Kenny Everett Theme The Skids masquerade The Stranglers EP No More Heroes
The Human League Love Action The Clash Clash City Rockers Indians In Moscow Naughty Miranda Sex Pistols Holidays in the Sun Devo De-Evolution Are We Not Men?
Generation X Ready Steady Go PIL Public Image Limited The Photos I'm So Attractive Generation X King Rocker Sex Pistols Submission
Sex Pistols Pretty Vacant Roxy Music Trash J Geils Band Centrefold    
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